Liquid NHDC - Sweetener

Liquid NHDC - Sweetener

The Liquid NHDC (NeoHesperidin Dihydro Chalcone) is raf. 1500-1800 times sweeter than the sugar. This product does not have bitter aftertaste at all. Beside the very concentrated sweet taste, it increases synergistically any type of sweet based product’s or liquid’s taste at the fabrication. As it is a liquid product, the dissolves time is very quick in this case.
Tipp: if you are looking for sweet taste for long time for your bait, our recommendation is to mix the NHDC Liquid with the Concentrate Sweetener powder. Raf. 3ml of Liquid NHDC and 1g of Concentrate Sweetener in 1kg basemix result a very attractive bait.
Dosage: tiger nut or particles 4-5 ml/kg basemix: 3-5 ml/kg
Price: 8,72 €

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