Mussel / Spirulina Base Mix

Mussel / Spirulina Base Mix

A sensational, highly mussel-algae mix that can be used successfully all year round, especially for scouting larger capital carp! Thanks to the significant amount of New Zealand mussel extract and Spirulina algae, the taste and aroma are very similar to the carp’s natural food sources (mussels and seaweed farms). Due to the optimal ratio of high-quality fishmeal, bird food and milk proteins, we can make an easy-to-digest "crispy" boilie for carp from this mix! The added yeast concentrate, HD 200 stimulant and crushed mussel shell make the boilie made from the mix complete and successful in almost all conditions! Overall, the mix is guaranteed to contain 50% assorted fish, algae and mussel flour!

Price: 8,89 €

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Vélemények Mussel / Spirulina Base Mix

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